New Posthuman is out, it's better than ever with very "colorful" content
but let's see first its parameters: A5, b/w, 56 pages, old-school
scissors+glue design, chaotic thrash art, informative writings and never
ending fun!!
Interviews made with: Halitosis, Red and Dumbasses, Agamenon Project,
Petiot, Who Cares, Evil Spell Black Blood Press, Trauma 84, Blutrina,
etc etc, altogether 16 interviews, biographies and interesting essays
about the horseshoue crab, job interviews, everyday experiences or
anti-civilization aspects.
Price is only 5 Euros with postage!! The shipping costs 3 fix euros, so
you can choose more tapes or zines for the same shipping price.
Images, infos:
Still available own releases for sale:
-Number Fever #1 (mathzine - 2 E)
-B-612 (novel-comic - 2 E)
-Another Way: Az idő rövid története (tape - 3 E)
-Din-Addict: Neurosexual Deformation (tape - 2 E)
-Wombat Simogató Hapsik (tape - 2 E)
-Arch Vile #1-2-3 (doomzine - 2 E)
-#Likeohneclick (perzine - 3 E)
-Posthuman #8 (fanzine - 3 E)
-Posthuman Underground Compilation Vol I (DIY tape - 2 E)