Saturday, July 23, 2011

Agamemnon Project - The Masters Are not Enough To Us!

Agamenon Project

com grande satisfação após meses de trabalho pesado em cima desse material, que venho informar que o EP virtual está disponível para download! Ele se chama “The Masters Aren’t Enough To Us!” e tem 10 músicas inéditas do Agamenon Project mais 8 covers de bandas como Besthoven, Discharge, Agathocles e The Shitlickers!!! Espero que gostem!
It is a great satisfaction after months of hard work in this material, that I come inform that the virtual EP is available to free download! It’s called “The Masters Are not Enough To Us!” and have 10 new songs over of the Agamemnon Project more 8 cover songs of bands like Besthoven, Discharge, and The Shitlickers Agathocles! Enjoy it!