Saturday, September 29, 2012

(A)TRUTH - NO I​.​C​.​E.(EP 2012)

(A)TRUTH ep single featuring/entitled "NO I.C.E." w/ special vocal guest appearance w/ Kristian Cordova. This album is dedicated to all the immigrants of the U.S. / Este album esta dedicad@ a tod@s l@s inmigrantes de los E.U. This is the first official single by (A)TRUTH although they have released 3 7" split records, a full lenght, and a few demos. This single EP was released on tape! so contact us if you want one It includes 1 song that will be released on a NY compilation, 2 new songs from the upcoming second full lenght, "No borders no lines" from the last album and NO ICE (this songs only recording!) the art was exclusively done for this EP by Simon Santana
released 18 August 2012 (A)TRUTH posse and the collective!