Sunday, December 27, 2015

SampleViolence - Happily never after (2015)

SampleViolence is an one man project from belgium. Its just like the name says, samples used for vocals mixed with mostly powerviolence and a bit of punk. "Happily never after" contains 16 songs, first 10 in english and 6 last in dutch. But you must hear it to know what it is, it"s FOR FREE so.. check it out !!!

SampleViolence on google+:


Sawed Off Solution

Sawed Off Solution Is A Bass Guitar, Drums And Vox Project From Mexico Maine.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dispara (d-beat crust United States)

Dispara are a fairly atypical d-beat kind of crust band from Seattle, Washington.

Lyrics (in spanish and english) and general attitude pertaining to exposing the realities of institutionalized racism, oppression, and suffering of immigrants/minorities/the poor in this country (even to some punx who think they're not racist or realize the extent of privilege), as well as more personal themes as anxiety, self medication and dysfunctional/nonexistant relationships.

Argentavis (dark melodic d-beat United States)

Argentavis are a dark melodic d-beat band from Santa Rosa, California.

comunicado de opinión para el debate

Me animo escribir unas palabras de opinión para expresar lo que siento viendo
como se desarrollan las cosas en ésta sociedad y en especial entre lxs compas
anarquistas. No quiero buscar bronca con nadie, simplemente hacer una critica
desde mi punto de vista como parte del debate entre compañerxs.
Mi primera critica va hacia el compañerismo, viendo que los frentes entre distintos
grupos/colectivos etc. se estan enduriciendo y van hasta extremos que debilitan la
lucha y los animos de mucha gente.
La sociedad funciona como su desarrollo tecnologico? Tristemente sin dudas,
pero porque entonces lxs anarquistas no funcionamos ofreciendo a todo el mundo
una alternativa? Cuantxs compañerxs están enganchadxs en las "redes sociales"
(facebook, twitter, watsap etc) sin cuestionar en ningún momento el sistema tecno-
Aparte de la industria que se encuentra detrás, quiero enfocar más en las conse-
cuencias que tiene éste abuso de la alta tecnologia en nuestrxs relaciones con el
entorno de compañerxs. El estado nos ofrece éstas tecnologias a cambio que le
permitimos individualizarnos y controlarnos en todo ambito de nuestras vidas.
Pues bien, ésto no es nada nuevo, lo que me provoca la pregunta: porque entonces
la difusión de actividades se hace cada vez más por éstas "redes sociales" donde
los primeros que se enteran seguramente no somos lxs compañerxs a lxs que de-
beria que llegar ésta info antes que a un facha, policia u otrxs enemigxs?
Aparte que el ambiente en nuestros espacios cambia cada vez más, hay compas
que te dan la espalda o incluso ni saludan a otrxs compas que no son del mismo
grupo de afinidad o amigxs de alguien del grupo... Pero qué es ésto? Confianza
zero no es un atributo especialmente anarquico, creo, tampoco quiero decir que no
hay que tener cuidado con lxs chivatxs, pero crear en el espacio anarquista un am-
biente frio y controlado nos convierte en nuestrxs propixs enemigxs, donde unxs de-
nuncian a otrxs o crean barreras entre compañerxs o incluso les atacan u acosan.
Un ambiente totalmente antisocial abre la puerta para difamaciones, calumnias y
rumores ante lxs demás, juzgando compañerxs detrás de su espalda (sin ninguna
prueba) provocandolxs muchos problemas para involucrarse en actividades o para
socialisarse con lxs demás!
Asi estamos donde estamos y la solidaridad se queda como palabra bonita frequen-
tamente abusada en el aire que no respiramos. Donde hace falta implicación y/o
apoyo de mucha gente, siempre nos movemos lxs mismxs cuatro, preguntandonos
que falla. Lo que falla en muchas ocasiones es la comunicación real de cara a cara,
los trabajos hechos juntxs, la quedada entre todxs para todo. En muchos barrios o
pueblos la calle se queda abandonada por lxs anarquistas, porque es´más comodo
hacer la difusión via internet/redes sociales desde el sillón de la kasa en vez de mo-
verse el culo para salir a pegar carteles,hacer pintadas u otras acciones.
No necesitamos especialisaciones y profesionalxs ni seudo-jefxs y demás basura
jerarquial en nuestrxs relaciones o espacios. Lxs politicuchxs no son "nuestra gente"
porque legitiman éstas formas de funcionamiento en su entorno (que no deberia ser
el nuestro) y envenenan asi nuestro ambiente si lo permitimos.
No deberiamos que olvidar que la sociedad del "Gran Hermano" es nuestro enemigo,
y la pueden pintar del color que quieran. Sabemos que vivimos en el año 84 de la era
Orwell, y es escalofriante ver por ejemplo como funciona la gente mientras viajan en
los transportes publicos, cada unx a su rollo, sin ningún intento de comunicarse con
lxs demás! Lo más peligroso es a consecuencia de ésto la falta de socialisación de
la juventud en especial, porque no han vivido "viejos tiempos" sin ordenadores,moviles,
smart-phones y pantallas (cameras) en el espacio publico o privado.
Por parte de nosotrxs hace falta crear alternativas a éste mundo virtual y no usarlo
para "aprovechar" de ello. La mentira sigue siendo mentira aunque mil veces repetida!
Creamos espacios libres de las ondas wi-fi, de dinero, de selecciones... está en nues-
tras manos y mentes liberar consciencias para cambiar el mundo!
Individualidad anarquista
Girona, Diciembre 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

Punk Philanthropy Project, Volume 1 - Food Not Bombs

Release of the Punk Philanthropy Project’s first compilation album to benefit Food Not Bombs.
To make this project a success, we need your help promoting this release. The album is for sale on Bandcamp and all of the money earned goes directly to Food Not Bombs.
Here is the link to the album…
Please post this link on all of your social media sites and encourage your friends to share the link and buy the album.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015


Krupskaya are a grind band from Stoke-on-Trent, UK. Formed in 2005 from the ashes of Fuck Hate Propaganda, Skinheese and... Kzzch.

Since it’s inception in 2005 Krupskaya has toured in 21 countries and released over 70 tracks on 2 CDs, 4 records and various compilations. The music is characterised by the extreme violence of delivery and intensity of conviction.

Era of Fear

Era of Fear are a Dark Post punk band from Xanthi, Greece formed in 2012 by members of local bands Outlaw Gen. and HXORYPANSH.
If you wanna support them you can buy their 7inch here: 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Odio are a grindcore band from Seville, spain .

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Kaasschaaf from Arnhem, The Netherlands is a Party Grind band who plays a mix of grind, groove and gore! 100 % party guaranteed!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

[RADIO RSK] ANARKUSTIKA - Contra-Informacion

TODOS LOS MARTES DE 17.00 a 18.30h 
   (Repetición: Viernes 15.00 a 16.30h)
107.1 FM

Saturday, November 28, 2015


monday, november 28, 2016
A new product is widely available on the Monday after Black Friday, the International Cyber Nothing Day. Buy it as often as you can!

A new product conquers the market: the product Nothing! There is great demand for Nothing. Millions of people need Nothing! The new product is now available at an attractive price, you get nothing for nothing! The applications are endless. Nothing gives room in the house, requires no maintenance, no need to secure and consumes no energy. It even provides energy because for nothing the sun rises! Nothing is better! Buy Nothing!

The perfect time to purchase Nothing is on the Monday after Black Friday, International Cyber Nothing Day. That day is after all the day of protest par excellence of anyone who opposes consumerism, the pursuit of economic growth, the power of big business, the 24-hour-stress society, the seven-day sales week and a life in the service of economy.

Download our Cyber Nothing Day pamphlets here :
Includes  JPG's like below and print ready PDF's with 4 pamplets on a page, 
good for recto verso printing on A4 format.
eng version: monday 27 nov , 2017 pamphlets

Friday, November 20, 2015

SLUDGE NOISE: [P.U.T] "Like animals" US CD reissue out now!

Reissue of 5th LP from
Sludge / Noise / Punk band


OUT NOW!!! Cimmerian Shade Recordings 
On November 13th Cimmerian Shade Recordings are set to re-release French Sludge/Noise/Punk band
[P.U.T]'s 5th LP "Like Animals".
Originally released in 2012, the "Like Animals" reissue includes 3 bonus tracks taken from [P.U.T]'s "IT - EP", also released in 2012, nudging the album running time to just over an hour.

Two brothers from Paris and Brussels have been at the core of [P.U.T] since the band's formation in 1998, constructing & deconstructing their music over the duration of the band's career. They have now released 5 full length albums, 8 maxis, 2 live, 7" and various sound experiments of noise, sludge-metal, industrial and punk creating their own niche that
does not disavow their influences (Godflesh,
Killing joke, Sonic Youth, Scorn and Unsane).
-Sound Loaded With Madness- 
-Heaviness And Vehemence-
Intense, raw, dirty, disturbing... 
On stage the band reveals its power, [P.U.T] have performed at more than 170 shows in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Germany.
Cover art and track listing can be found below.
A Teaser Video for the "Like Animals" Reissue can be seen
Keep an eye out for [P.U.T]'s 6th LP coming to
[P.U.T]'s full back catalog is available now through their bandcamp page: 

01. In The Lake (03:07)
02. Zoo (09:21)
03. Exuvia (03:36)
04. There's A Mammoth In This Room (05:50)
05. IT (04:08)
06. Like Animals (04:56)
07. Broke A Line (05:19)
08. It Ain't Gonna Be Fun (06:35)
09. Rapture Of The Deep "In The Lake"
(Remake By Azuki)- Bonus Track (02:51)
10. Broke A Line (Remix by Garlic.wav)- Bonus Track (05:19)
11. Zoo (Dub mix by NE555)- Bonus Track (09:22)

[ P . U . T ]
Bass/Vocals/Effects: Beyet Lionel 
Guitar/Vocals/Effects: Beyet Nicolas 
Guitar/Sampler: Beyet Loïc

For much of their career, the core of [ P.U.T ] has been 2 brothers, living in Paris / Brussels, who have been constructing/deconstructing music since 1998. Through the use of machines/guitars they have created their own niche that incorporates noise, sludge-metal, industrial and punk to create a sound loaded with madness, heaviness and vehemence.

Personal and without concessions, their extensive and varied discography includes 5 albums, 8 maxis, 2 live, 7" and various other sound experiments, does not disavow their influences (which include: Godflesh, Killing joke, Sonic Youth, Scorn and Unsane).

While their recorded material makes a notable impact on the listener, it is on stage where the band reveals its power, making more noise than 4-5 piece musicians: intense, raw, dirty, disturbing...
More than 170 shows in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Germany.

They have play with: SCORN (UK), Ufomammut (IT), Akimbo (USA), Burning Heads, Year of No light, Altar of Plague (UK), Ultraphallus (BE), Anorak, Pneumatic Head Compressor (BE), Membrane, K-Branding (BE), Io Monade (It), Kapitain Korsakov (BE), Lab°, Last Minute to Jaffna (IT), Grant National (DE), Grrzzz, Lucky Funeral (GR), Black Bomb A, Muckrackers, René Binamé, PPZ30, Punish Yourself, Sungrazer (NL), LTNo, Comity, Zenzile, Tamtrum, Edwood Jr, General Lee and many others!


For interview requests contact: 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Creative Waste (grindcore from Saudi Arabia)

Creative Waste are a grindcore band from Saudi Arabia

Friday, November 13, 2015

Estampida Libertaria (Costa Rica)

Spontane - "Mojra"(2014)

Spontane are from warsaw (Poland), since 2003.

Nephyla (female Grindcore Mexico)

Nephyla is a female Grindcore Death band, from Oaxaca, Mexico. The project was created by Val (drums) in 2000, focused on Grindcore.

Nephyla - Código del Phylo "EP"

Multinational Corporations


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pigskinner - One Man Grindcore Band Greece

Pigskinner is a one man Grindcore band from Athens, Greece

Friday, November 6, 2015

[anarchistblackcross​greece] 10 years abc greece - 10 años cna grecia

( text into English, Greek, Polish, French, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, German & Bulgarian)

Announcement of the anarchist black cross for the last 10 years of continuous presence in Greece.
We would like to inform you that these last months we have created a new website, which has not been perfected yet but with your contribution it can be done. We accept your texts and updates for publication at : As communication mail you can use our oldest mail: Also, comrades from other countries can communicate with us in english at the same email for anything they need.
Your support is more than necessary to our project.
Till the demolition of the very last prison.
October 2015
Komunikat organizacji Anrchistyczny Czarny Krzyż działającej od dziesięciu lat w Grecji.
Chcielibyśmy poinformować, że w przeciągu ostatnich miesięcy powstała nowa strona internetowa naszej organizacji. Każdy może wnieść w nią swój wkład przesyłając teksty i inne informacje do publikacji pod adresem
W każdej innej sprawie czekamy na  maile pod naszym starym
Twoje wsparcie jest niezbędne do pełnej realizacji naszego projektu.
Do uwolnienia ostatniego więźnia politycznego.
Październik 2015
Ανακοίνωση του αναρχικού μαύρου σταυρού για τα 10 τελευταία χρόνια συνεχόμενης παρουσίας στην Ελλάδα.
Θα θέλαμε να σας πληροφορήσουμε ότι τους τελευταίους μήνες δημιουργήσαμε καινούρια ιστοσελίδα, η οποία δεν έχει τελειοποιηθεί ακόμα αλλά και με την συμβολή σας θα γίνει και αυτό. Δεχόμαστε κείμενα και ενημερώσεις προς δημοσίευση από εσάς στο: Ως mail επικοινωνίας μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε το παλιότερο mail μας : Επίσης στο ίδιο email  μπορούν να μας απευθύνονται σύντροφοι από άλλες χώρες για οτιδήποτε χρειαστούν, στην αγγλική γλώσσα κατά προτίμηση…
Η στήριξή σας θεωρείτε και είναι παραπάνω από αναγκαία για το εγχείρημά μας…
Ως το γκρέμισμα και της τελευταίας φυλακής…
Οκτώβριος 2015
Annonce de la croix noire anarchiste pour les 10 dernières années de présence consécutive en Grèce.
On voudrait vous informer que ces derniers mois nous avons créé un nouveau site Web, qui n’a pas encore été mis au point; néanmoins,  avec votre contribution on y arrivera. On pourrait recevoir de votre part des textes à publier et des rapports sur des actualités En tant que moyen de communication, vous pouvez nous contacter sur notre ancienne mail: En plus, au même email, nos camarades provenant d’autres pays peuvent nous rejoindre, et qu’ils nous écrivaient en anglais par préférence …
Votre soutien est considéré et deviens en réalité plus que nécessaire pour notre projet …
Jusqu’à la démolition de la dernière prison …
Comunicado de la cruz negra anarquista para los últimos 10 años de presencia continua en Grecia.
Nos gustaría informaros de que en los últimos meses hemos creado una nueva pagina web y que con la contribución de  cada un@ de nosotr@s se irán enriqueciendo los contenidos.
Aceptamos textos y actualizaciones por vuestra parte para su publicación en:
Podéis seguir utilizando nuestro correo de comunicación de siempre:
También en el mismo correo pueden dirigirse tod@s nuestr@s compañer@s de otros países por todo lo que necesiten, de preferencia en inglés …
Vuestro apoyo es más que necesario para nuestro intento …
Hasta la demolición de la última prisión …
Octubre 2015
Anuntarea crucea nearga anarhist in ultimii 10 ani consecutivi in Grecia.
Dorim sa va informam ca in ultimele luni am creat un site nou,care inca nu a fost definit,dar cu ajutorul      dumneavoastra va fii!! Acceptam texte si actualizari pentru publicare din partea dumneavoastra Pentru a putea comunica cu noi,puteti folosi si e-mail nostru vechi:
De asemenea pe e-mail vechi se pot adresa prieteni de pretutindeni.
Sprijinul dumneavoastra este mai mult decat necesar pentru asocierea noastra…
Ca demolarea ultimei inchisori….
Anarchikos Crucea nearga
Octombrie 2015
Annuncio della croce nera anarchica per l’ultimo decennio
di continua presenza in Grecia.
Vorremmo informarvi che gli ultimi mesi abbiamo creato un
nuovo sito, il quale non e` stato ancora perfezionato ma si effettuerra` anche con il vostro contributo. Accettiamo testi e rimodernamenti per pubblicazione da voi al :
Come email di contatto potete usare il nostro vecchio email:
Inoltre, compagni da altri paesi ci possono contattare allo stesso email per qualsiasi cosa che abbiano bisogno, in inglese se sia possibile…
Il vostro sostegno si considera ed e` piu` che necessario per il nostro attentato…
Fino al crollo dell’ ultima galera…
Ottobre 2015
Bericht über die zehnjährigen kontinuierlichen Präsenz  des anarchistischen schwarzen Kreuzes in Griechenland.
Liebe Genossen -innen, wir möchten euch informieren, dass wir die letzten Monate eine neue Webseite angelegt haben , die noch nicht fertig ist, aber die wird bald durch eure Mitwirkung und Hilfe vollendet werden. Unter der E-mail nehmen wir Texte und Berichte an, die zu wiederveröffentichen sind. Ihr könnt uns unter unserer vorherigen E-mail Adresse erreichen. Zudem können sich andere Genossen -innen , die aus anderen Ländern kommen, darunter an uns wenden(es wäre besser auf Englisch), wenn sie irgendwas von uns brauchen. Wir betrachten eure Unterstützung als unentbehrlich und erforderlich, was unseren Kampf und unsere Bemühungen angeht.
Bis zum Abbau des letzten Gefängnisses.
anarchistisches schwarzes kreuz griechenland
Oktober 2015
Съобщение от ABC (Анархистки Черен Кръст) за присъствието му в Гърция през последните 10 години. Искаме да ви информираме, че през последните месеци ние работихме върху нов сайт. Той все още не е изцяло завършен, но с ваша помощ това може да стане. Очакваме ваши текстове и новини за публикация на: За комуникация с нас можете да ползвате нашия стар Е-мейл адрес: Можете да се свържете с нас и като ни пращате мейли на: Съмишлениците от други страни могат да ни пишат на същия Е-мейл и на английски език за всичко, от което имат нужда. Вашата помощ е повече от нужна за нашия проект. Ще продължаваме докато се срине и последния затвор. Анархистки Черен Кръст

Saturday, October 31, 2015


You may not understand that you are ordering your year after pagan holidays, but you are! The annual calendar for the entire Western world is ordered by these Satanic festival times and days.

 nights of Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve.
 This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Katma - Katma (2015)

Katma is DIY antifascist, anti-authoritarian band from Belgrade / Balkan and this is their 3rd release.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

[Barcelona] registros y detenciones-searchs and arrests

Registros y detenciones en Barcelona y Manresa en el marco de la operación Pandora

Desde las 6 de la mañana la brigada móvil de los Mossos están realizando registros en Barcelona y Manresa. Podría haber 9 personas detenidas
Manifestación hoy a las 20h desde la Plaza Diamante
Desde las 6 de la mañana efectivos de la Brigada Móvil de los Mossos de Esquadra están efectuando registros en el Ateneo Libertario de Sants asi como en me locales y domicilios en los barrios de Sant Andreu, el Clot y Gracia, y también en Manresa.
Estos registros se están efectuando en el marco de la autodenominada y tristemente célebre "Operación Pandora".
Según la prensa burguesa están buscando "documentación relacionada con el terrorismo anarquista" y podria haber hasta 9 detenid@s. En Sants la policía ha cargado contra un grupo de solidarios que protestaba contra las detenciones.
Con las 9 personas detenidas hoy asciende a 63 el número de personas presas en las distintas operaciones policiales derivadas de la supuesta participación en los denominados GAC, a los que atribuyen entre otros atentados los ataques con explosivos en La Basílica de la Almudena y en la del Pilar.  
En denuncia de esta nueva razzia policial y en apoyo a las personas detenidas se ha convocado esta tarde una manifestación que partirá a las 20h de la Plaza Diamante.
Registros y detenciones en Barcelona y Manresa en el mar... :: Desde las 6 de la mañana la brigada móvil de los Mossos están realizando registros en Barcelona y Manresa. Podría haber 9 personas detenidas
Vista previa por Yahoo

Today from 6 o'clock in the morning catalan police (Mossos d?Escuadra) searched 10 homes in Barcelona and Manresa. 9 Anarchists were detained. The police-operation "Pandora 2" was ordened by National Audience in Madrid. With the arrests of today in totally are 63 anarchists who were detained and imprisoned in the different police-operations against anarchists in the last 2 years. Monika and Francisco who just yesterday had a hearing in the National Audience are still in preventive prison (from Nov.13th, 2013) and the tribunal has to decide if they prolong their preventive prison or let them free until their trial.
Today there is a call for a solidarity-demonstration at 20h in Diamant-Place (Bcn-Gracia).


WAARDELOOS are a punk band from Boskoop, Netherlands .

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Holodomor - Crust punk band from Brazil

Holodomor are crust punk band formed in Manaus, Amazon (Brazil) and they just released their first demo!  5 tracks of low-tuned ugly Hellhammer-infused punk .
You can download the demo as well as the lyrics and a brief release right here:
it's also available for free at their Bandcamp!
No gods, no masters, no bosses.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Falter "Darker" Record Release

Falter is a hardcore band from Milwaukee, WI and they have a record coming out October 30th 2015 via Hydrogen Man Records. Hydrogen Man Records is an independent DIY outfit based in Philadelphia, PA.

Our record is up for pre-order here: 
Hydrogen Man Records website here:
Our record is streaming here:
Bandcamp is here:
Video for new song here:

Vagina Dentata “No More Nice Girls” – out now!

Finally, our first CD “No More Nice Girls” is finished and ready to take over the world! :-D
The CD includes 7 feminist & furious songs:
  1. She’d rather be a bitch
  2. Your time has come
  3. Women and psychiatry (listen on bandcamp)
  4. Let me go
  5. Disillusion
  6. No more nice girls
  7. Objectified
The CD booklet has all the lyrics and artwork by Nina Dentata.
Buy our CD by mailing to or leaving a message on our facebook page or by going to one of our concerts*.
-> 1 CD costs 5 euros (excl. postage)
*(The band Matrak Attakk in which Crustina Dentata sings too, will also have CDs available at their concerts and we’re trying to get them distributed by some distros – let us know if you want to help!).

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

CRIATURA - TODAVIA. New album 2015

Todavía” includes 14 songs recorded in our rehearshall room between several months in 2014 and 2015. You'd be thinking it's been almost endless, but having two kids makes harder to match music and upbringing, specially when you're a mom. Jérome (Rouille) helped us out with vocals in three songs.
Mixed in “Montreal Studios” by Hans Krüger (
Mastered in “Red & Black Studio” by Javier Orduña (
Artwork again by our artist and friend David Gorriz, “Ripoff” (
This time, we released it on LP, CD and Cassette thanks to a bunch of labels located in Euskal Herria, Madrid, Asturies, Galiza, La Rioja and Germany.
Cassette thanks to “PIFIA RECORDS”.
And now it's time to gild the pill, suck our own genitals and tell you this is our definite album, the one you must listen, sing, dance and bla, bla, bla... But to be honest, we're not that good at this, so we asked Mario “RUIDO” ( to do it. Also "DDT BANAKETAK" did a good one for us. Here you have:
This is their fourth LP besides the demo, two 7" split ("Politburo" and "Disface") and a three way CD with their mates ("Vision Túnel" and "Le Fil d'Arianne"). The record is called "Todavía", 14 tracks wich are quite representative of their whole discography, combining speed and energy with melody and quiteness but still with the same rage. Hardcore-punk and impossible to catalogue sounds as a mark house. Definitely, a 100% "Criatura" sound, diverse, acute and committed. More than 15 years of "Criatura" and last longer...
Almost a dozen labels delivering several formats of this record which will be published in LP, CD and Cassette (The beloved lifelong tape).
"Criatura" presents their fourth LP (We almost can't mention the whole amount of their discography among splits, tapes, etc), which sounds quite polished and melodic than their last references. Anyway, you can realize they are "Criatura" from the beginning: melodic guitar riffs and the distinctive male/female vocals with Pelopo (Vocals in "Interlude") and Pepa (Vocals in "Visión Túnel"). The album got quick hard-core tunes as well as smoothness: post hard-core, emo... Pepa sometimes reminds me to "Visión Túnel" style. Vocals are better and better and you can notice that. Smart responsible lyrics. Out soon on CD and tape. Published and distributed by "DDT".
"DDT Banaketak"
Check this out on:

Tofu Guerrilla
Muerte a tipo.
El fary es dios.
Ddt Banaketak.
Politburo fiasco recordinds.
La humanidad es la plaga.
Pifia records.
Victims records.